Is this the face of Memnon, Black prince of Ethiopia, killed by Achilles at Troy.

Is this the face of Memnon, Black prince of Ethiopia, killed by Achilles at Troy.

           It was a cold and stormy night. Persephone and returned to her husband Hades and now was the winter of my discontent.   Winter was here and Egypt’s sunshine would have to wait.  So, what I am about to relate, is what’s called an armchair expedition. 

             I was researching tombs, mainly Queen Tawosret’s, when I came across this item that in tomb KV 36 in the valley of the Kings, they’d found that the body was that of a Nubian, that he had two coffins that should have gone one inside the other but as they didn’t fit, so the outer and inner coffins were left side by side.  As one archaeologist said ‘When the owner was tired of sleeping in one, he could go and sleep in the other’.

            So, it was a light came on inside my head, for I had heard of the legend of Prince Memnon killed by Achilles at Troy.  So black this young fellow might be in tomb KV 36 but it was the two separate coffins that made me ponder. It meant the first, that did fit the body, had been made at some distance from where the second coffin had been made, otherwise they’d have got the measurements right.  So, could the first one have been made at Troy, and the second in Egypt.  A long shot it might be, but it’s longshots that sometimes brings up some unexpected results.

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The Legend Detective – Cerberus & Odysseus Found

Cerberus and Odysseus found

Right up to 1880 AD the great literary works of Homer c 800 BC , the Iliad concerning the Trojan war and the Odyssey being the adventures of one of history’s legendary hero’s 10 year quest, to return home from Troy were considered a heroic tales but nothing more.
Then a rich amateur, by the name of Heinrich Schliemann, went archaeologically a digging for Troy and found it, all because he’d studied the detail within the tale.
Now I didn’t go to Egypt looking for Odysseus, I went to let myself slip into the timelessness of Egypt, where time holds the Sphinx in awe and in doing so found both Hades and our hero, for like Schliemann I’m hot on the detail that lies within the Odyssey.
I trust you can see if you find a hole in the ground that leads to someone’s afterlife and down that hole you find a three headed dog, known as Cerberus, (Also one of Pluto’s moons ) or as J.K. Rowling called him, Fluffy, who lives in the basement. Then were on the right track of finding the river Styx where Charon the ferryman comes for you to ferry you across to the land of the dead. Which is precisely what I did, even paying him for the return even though I wasn’t dead.
So there we have it , would you like to come with me across this river, come on don’t be shy , let’s go and find Odysseus and even more..

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The Legend Detective – Moses Birth to Exile

Moses Birth to Exile

It amazes me how scholars say Moses was a myth, created by incorporating the tales off the people the Israelites travelled though, in their years of wandering, when in reality he’s quite easy to find. Why don’t they want you to find him?
Here you will read the date of his birth, that true to Exodus, he was adopted into the royal household. That the Egyptian he slew wasn’t an oppressive overseer of slaves. That the way Moses killed this man, couldn’t have happened that way. So why is Moses lying? We can find why and who was the pharaoh, who sort to slay Moses and for the want of a genuine DNA test, we can find who the first born of pharaoh was, he that God is reputed to have slain. We may even have a picture of Moses.

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The Legend Detective – Moses Exile to Exodus

Moses exile to Exodus

Moses is in exile in Midian because he has killed what appears to be a common overseer, one assumes of unknown family and kinfolk. Whilst in Midian, Moses hears pharaoh is dead but stays put. He then hears that all those that sort to slay him are now all dead. He must therefore have known this overseer, by name. He must know they for there now more than one, would have no more children. He knew them by name and he also knew they were indeed all dead. I trust you can see, no travelling merchant selling his goods in Midian is going to broadcast Bill Blogs is dead but he would, if the person was a pharaoh and I will show each of them, now all dead, as to who they were and it only happens once in Egyptian history.
So, Moses is back, but he has an impediment of speech, what do you think it could be? If this excites you then open up this blog and become the detective.

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The Legend Detective – Moses Exodus to Death

Moses, Exodus to death

Here we will follow the route Moses took the Children in their escape from Egypt, a completely different route that has ever been proposed before. Here we find the wilderness that Moses takes to, not a wilderness of sand but a wilderness of Reeds and it is here that the Children find the sea parts, as it has done twice a day for thousands of years. For there is not one sea but two, albeit one is a large lake, the Mediterranean and Lake Manzilah. It was not the Red sea that parted, being Yam Adom but Yam Suf, or the Reed Sea, precisely as recorded in the Jewish Torah.
We can read of Moses cunning strategy to slow the Egyptians down. We read God demands human sacrifice but then changes his mind. Then changes it again, why?
We read how Aaron Moses faithful devotee and high priest, decides to take over Moses position, with a completely new religion, the Golden Calf. Then read how Moses in his wrath has killed many of his follows then burns this idol but cunningly steals the gold, without telling God or the children.
Finally, we come to his death and his last resting place. I consider I have found the spot, picture and all. I wrote to the Head of Archaeology in Jordon but received no reply. So, what thinks thee, my reader?

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The Legend Detective – Who’s God is the real God

whose god is the real god

It was the comedian Dave Allen, who finished off his TV program with the blessing of, ’May your God go with you’.  So whose God is the real God!
How many splinter groups of Christianity and Islam have evolved since their original conception? Catholics, Protestants, Methodists Baptists, Jehovah Witnesses, Born Again, Waco, Sunnis, Shiites and many more.
So the question many people have asked, ‘Is there a God and which one is he’? For millions of years, from the days man first stood upright and some charlatan first threw those sacred chicken bones to foretell your future, Gods have come and gone, banished, in most cases by the invading forces of a stronger nation or tribe. Each in turn being shown to be the followers of false Gods, or priests working that old magic of, ‘You work, toil and make bread and we will eat it’. To find which God is the real God, open the link and read on.

The Legend Detective – The day the sun changed it’s position in the sky.

The day the Sun changed its position in the sky

I know the Sun moves across the heaven but this was something else. And Herodotus of 484 BC said, ‘You can believe it if you will—but I don’t!’ Fortunately, he recorded it and in so doing proved that it did. It also proved that ancient seafarers circumnavigated South Africa, some 2000 years before Vasco Da Gama, histories accredited explore to do so.